I am VERY SLOWLY working through Karen Ruane's online course. There's the whole working thing, which takes up all day and then I'm knackered at night, so progress is painfully slow. Plus I have been really sick this week with a virus that has robbed me of the ability to think or concentrate (so it's pretty much the same as normal, then!)
But here are three more potential button brooches. Again done on silk dupion. Can you tell I am having fun! And this is less than one-third of her course, I need to do all sorts of other fun things as well!
oh my goodness me, so many tiny stitches!!!
amazing work :D
Hope you are feeling better soon. I think your embroideries are so lovely, and so delicate.
Very pretty
Very nice stitches! I can totally relate to the working all day & being "knackered" at night :)
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