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Monday, October 31, 2011

Blogtoberfest 31

Posted by PicasaI blogged about this a while ago but it still holds great resonance for me.  Part of me wants to do scholarly stuff on the subject, another part of me wants to do work inspired by it instead.  (While the major part just wants to sleep).

Hope you have enjoyed Blogtoberfest!  It has been fun.  I found it a good way to go through old photos and use Blogger's pre-scheduling thing, plus the occasional new post.  And don't forget that giveaway.  I will draw it (or my disinterred, and disinterested, husband will) over the weekend. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blogtoberfest 30

A final reminder about the giveaway:

Now for the giveaway details. Every comment received this month will go into a special magic giveaway hat (well, the name of the commenter will!) and after the end of Blogtober I will get a completely disinterested bystander (ie. my husband) to pull a name out of the sorting hat. Each time you comment your name will go in.

The giveaway is a Mazey Pretty Things fabric brooch - see my sidebars for my Made It and Etsy shops to give you an idea of what they are like. I will post to anywhere in the world with great delight.

The idea being that EVERY time you comment, your name goes into the hat. So you three or four people who comment on every post, be warned, there is a strong possibility that you might win something!

The whole time thing is too hard to work out, so I am going to say that all comments received by the time I get round to reading the blog on November 1 AEDT will count.  I have no idea what time that will be in any other partof the world.  Except Queensland.  It will be an hour earlier there.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blogtoberfest 29

Posted by Picasa
I am VERY SLOWLY working through Karen Ruane's online course.  There's the whole working thing, which takes up all day and then I'm knackered at night, so progress is painfully slow.  Plus I have been really sick this week with a virus that has robbed me of the ability to think or concentrate (so it's pretty much the same as normal, then!)

But here are three more potential button brooches.  Again done on silk dupion.  Can you tell I am having fun! And this is less than one-third of her course, I need to do all sorts of other fun things as well!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blogtoberfest 27

Posted by PicasaI haven't done Creative Spaces for a while, but here is one:

I am knitting the Kimono Jacket on the left of the photo in very green Patons Sorrento, for once using a pattern written for the yarn I am using - unusual for me!  Sorrento is a nice blend of 62% viscose and 38% cotton and will be a nice summer cover-up.  Of course I won't finish it for ages but it's more about the knitting (and the colour!) than the finished object.  This comes in two versions, one long and one short, and of course I had knitted 15cm of the long version before I realised my mistake, and then realised that I couldn't really fix it because the stitch counts were different and that it would easier to start again.  Slowly.

More Creative Spaces scrumptiously displayed here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blogtoberfest 26

There is a Victorian Button Collectors' Club and they had an exhibition and market near my place last weekend.  It was fun.  Some buttons followed me home.  The pictures are not that great, apologies, I should have tried to do them in natural light without a flash, and I have not fully mastered the whole close-up thing with the new camera yet, but for what it's worth, these are the ones that followed me home:

Vintage Parisian thread buttons, and Czech glass buttons - both fairly immediately post-war according to their vendors, on the original cards.

The one on the top right is an American enamelled button from the turn of the century (the enamel is a bit chipped but in a charming way which adds to the pattern).  The top middle one is another enamelled one, possibly also American.  Then there is a shiny little one, provenance unknown but cute.  The bottom one may or may not be a Czech glass button of indeterminate vintage, I can't remember.  And the moustache thing is a vintage American belt buckle!!

A motley collection of pretty things, not particularly old and not necessarily even that unusual, but they caught my eye.

I described this to the vendor as a 'delightfully demented dog'.  It isn't old or expensive, but irresistable!

There were a few others as well but the pictures didn't work out well because they were shiny and the flash flashed too much off them.  In all it was a nice haul which will gradually work its way into embellishments of various sorts.  I had FUN.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogtoberfest 25

I am doing an online Button course with Karen Ruane.  I am a bit behindm ost of the others, because of working and time and all, but I am having the most fun!!!  These are the only pictures so far, though I am busy working my way through a pile of others.  Karen insisted that we not copy her slavishly but to use our own ideas, and of course she is a very wise woman.  I adore her work, so my first attempt actually was a go at reproducing her work fairly exactly, and I got frustrated and cross and hated what I was doing.  so I pulled it out and did what she had said, use her ideas as inspiration but do it my own way, and of course she was right.  I ended up much happier with these two.

The bottom picture, the one with the two circles in it, is the work before being damp stretched.  I had never tried that before and wondered if it was worth the effort, but now I can definitely say that it is.  I used Perle thread on silk dupion and embellished with some precious little flower sequins and tiny seed beads.  The top two pics are taken after the damp stretching, and believe me it made a difference.  They look much crisper and nicer now.

So I have already learnt a lot.  No matter how much you love someone else's work, it is always better to use it as a jumping-off point rather than trying to copy it.  Damp stretching is both easy and miraculous.  Silk dupion is wonderful to stitch on (though you do need to use a hoop, which I don't normally do, but I am finding invaluable). 

I am now doing some with colour, still on the white silk.  But there won't be pictures for about a week.  And there are other fun things to learn, about lumps (puffs, actually) and turning them into actual buttons and/or brooches.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Blogtoberfest 24

Just another reminder about the giveaway:

Now for the giveaway details. Every comment received this month will go into a special magic giveaway hat (well, the name of the commenter will!) and after the end of Blogtober I will get a completely disinterested bystander (ie. my husband) to pull a name out of the sorting hat. Each time you comment your name will go in.

The giveaway is a Mazey Pretty Things fabric brooch - see my sidebars for my Made It and Etsy shops to give you an idea of what they are like. I will post to anywhere in the world with great delight.

The idea being that EVERY time you comment, your name goes into the hat.  So you three or four people who comment on every post, be warned, there is a strong possibility that you might win something!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blogtoberfest 23

My happy Sirius running along a beach.  Somewhere in Victoria.  Either Apollo Bay or Lakes Entrance. Either way, a few years ago.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blogtoberfest 22

I cannot remember what Wombat was dressed up for.  Needless to say he looks far more debauched that any young teenager should!  He was probably aiming for James Bond. I am pretty certain this was before he started dressing as The Doctor for formal events :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blogtoberfest 21

Sirius several years ago.  We threw that couch out about four years ago.  She is NOT SPOILT.  She would like to point that out!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blogtoberfest 18 1/2

Join the Universal Craft Directory

Go on, just do it!

Blogtoberfest 18

In the little Victorian town of Dunolly lies one of those great local museums that is crammed full of odds and ends of stuff that make you stop and read all sorts of things and, occasionally, think 'my mother-in-law has only just got of one of those'.  It is one of the gold mining towns of Victorian history, once thriving and now dusty and reliant on tourism.

As part of the 'Golden Triangle' of the area, it attracted many prospectors from all over the world, including some of my husband's ancestors.  On the whole they quickly gave up on prospecting, which was dirty and back-breaking and rarely successful (though the Welcome Stranger, the largest gold nugget ever found in the world, comes from there - there is a model of it in the museum), and went in for things like commerce.  Prospectors need food and drink and ... soap.  This soap label comes from what was once a thriving soap factory run by my husband's ancestors.  The slogan was 'Butterfly Soap, Flutter by dirt'.  This beautifully preserved label can also be seen in the Dunolly museum.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blogtoberfest 17

We saw this on the notice board of the local Catholic primary school a few years ago and thought it was very funny.  We hope he has his uniform all organised and his books covered!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blogtoberfest 16

And now for something completely different.  This little cutie lives at the Koala Sanctuary on Phillip Island and we saw her in January.  She was VERY curious and calm, and I didn't use a zoom on the camera - she really was this close to me.  In fact she was a thorough poser1  Probably has her own agent by now :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blogtoberfest 15

I might as well remind people of the giveaway this month.  Here is what I wrote a week ago:

Now for the giveaway details. Every comment received this month will go into a special magic giveaway hat (well, the name of the commenter will!) and after the end of Blogtober I will get a completely disintered bystander (ie. my husband) to pull a name out of the sorting hat. Each time you comment your name will go in.

The giveaway is a Mazey Pretty Things fabric brooch - see my sidebars for my Made It and Etsy shops to give you an idea of what they are like. I will post to anywhere in the world with great delight.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Surprisingly no-one has noticed the typo, or at least been too polite to point it out.  My husband would like the world to know that he is completely disinterested (i.e. unbiased), not disintered.  He is NOT a zombie and I do NOT dig him up from the garden to draw blog giveaway winners!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blogtoberfest 14

This was a group exercise we did at college in third year called I Can See Through You.  We all had to produce something simple using sheer fabrics - an applique or something - and then we all collaborated with [inning them on to a very compliant dress model.  It was good fun.  I think the pink bit at the top was my piece but I can't really remember after all this time, though I am pretty sure I did something pink.  It took about an hour to pin everything onto the model in a pleasing way.  There was never any intention of sewing it together or doing anything permanent but it was a fun exercise in collaboration and doing something a bit different.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blogtoberfest 13

This is a piece I did in the second year of my Diploma when we studied 3D objects.  We had to end up with a container.  I can't remember if it had to have something in it or not, but mine did.  I chose to do a reliquary because they have always fascinated me and I love the application of textile arts to religious symbolism. 

After a bit of researching I quickly came up with the idea of Santiago de Compostela and the pilgramages undertaken to the Cathedral there, known in English as the Way of St James.  I had lots of fun playing with various surface and design finishes until I came up with the one I finally chose, which was fine white silk randomly splashed with silk paint in warm colours of red, pink, yellow and orange.  It was lined with red silky stuff.  I also embroidered it in random patches of running stitch using similar colours, but not on painted patches of the same colour.  I became very fond of that technique of patches of running stitch and it became one of the main embellishments I use in my Mazey Patchwork.  Gold paint and gold thread was also used, because I wanted an opulent feel in keeping with the idea of a medieival reliquary.

I had intended using stiffish interfacing in it but my teacher at the time got all huffy about using a synthetic interfacing and told me to use calico.  I did trial calico and it seemed to work but I regret not using the original idea as it never did stand as stiff and straight as I wanted.  She and I were a bit mixture, big personality clash and completely different interests and values.  She taught me for two subjects that year and told me that she was only passing me in one of them (not the one we did this project in, she couldn't very well fail me in that because my final project was as good as anyone else's!) because she didn't want to do the paperwork involved in failing me.  Miserable woman.  She didn't work there again after that year.

A reliquary obviously has to hold a relic.  I used gold Delicas to bead a tiny vial using peyote stitch, including a tiny beaded lid which was attached by a couple of beads and fastened with a beaded loop, and it contained the arm of Saint ... I can't actually remember the name I made up but I created a wholly fictional saint, with a back story and everything!  The arm came from a nasty little plastic doll from the $2 shop that I hacked off and stained with paint the colour of dried blood.  I think I may have included a hand as well.

The 'lid' comes from the tops of the panels, six I think there were, triangular in shape, with threads tieing them together and a shell shaped gold button to hold it altogether (the shell being the symbol of St James of Compostela).

I chose this particular picture for this post because I like to think of it as a rather arty-farty photo, but I do have more process-oriented photos that I can post if anyone is interested in the more practical side of it.  It was a fun thing to make and I am still proud of it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blogtoberfest 12

The last pear, I promise!

This involved experimentation, and was fun.  It was the first time I had ever used Tyvek, or painted Wonder-Under or whatever you want to call that applique stuff you iron onto one surface and then use it to adhere to another.  (The iron and the ironing board, frequently!)  The Tyvek is painted then ironed and cut into a pear shape and sewn down to the background, which is half painted Wonder Under and half painted calico (well, the whole thing is calico, but some of it has the other stuff on top of it, if you get what I mean!).  Then the bottom bit has machine stitching on it to simulate the look of a striped table cloth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogtoberfest 11

Um, it's a pear.  Again.

A rather bad example of attempting to create modern blackwork in a hurry when you haven't done blackwork for 30 years.  Green embroidery thread on even-count linen.  My least favorite pear.  But I love blackwork and really want to have a go at designing some PROPERLY at some stage.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogtoberfest 10

Another pear.  This one is made from air-drying clay (which stinks, btw), deliberately left roughly moulded with finger prints in it.  Then painted and rubbed with a wad of kitchen towel and left to dry again, and then some gold paint rubbed lightly on bits of it.  Then stuck down lightly to a piece of patchwork fabric and peyote stitched around with seed beads to form a huge bezel, if you think of the pear as a large cabachon.  Then shadow stitched with black embroidery thread (perl or stranded, I can't remember).  I also can't remember if I used felt or thin cotton wadding for the wadding.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Blogtoberfest 9

When I was studying for my Diploma of Studio Stitch (Textiles) - textile art - we had a fantastic  teacher who was obsesssed with pears.  They are rather attractive, I suppose!  One assignment we were given was to choose from a small list of things (I forget the rest, but pears was definitely one of them!) and do three small items, each one using a different technique.  I started this as one of them but realised that it was so time-consuming that it was better to use it for my end-of-semester piece, a folder cover, and did three other pears instead.  (They will be appearing during Blogtoberfest!)

This was probably only my second major piece of bead embroidery and I am very pleased with it.  It mostly uses czech seed beads with some other beads from my stash, and some small buttons, sewn straight onto cream felt.  I still feel rather proud of this piece!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Blogtoberfest 8

Now for the giveaway details.  Every comment received this month will go into a special magic giveaway hat (well, the name of the commenter will!) and after the end of Blogtober I will get a completely disintered bystander (ie. my husband) to pull a name out of the sorting hat.  Each time you comment your name will go in.

The giveaway is a Mazey Pretty Things fabric brooch - see my sidebars for my Made It and Etsy shops to give you an idea of what they are like.  I will post to anywhere in the world with great delight.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Friday, October 07, 2011

Blogtoberfest 7

This leaf is also knitted with my handspun, but dyed with Landscape dyes.  Again it is yarn I made a long time ago, and the leaf was knitted quite a while ago, but the whole thing only went together very recently.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Blogtoberfest 6

The last of this run of hats.  I got really sick of knitting them after five1  But I am happy with the way they knitted up.  This leaf is knitted from handspun dyed with Landscape dyes.  I had a little collection of leaves that were variously used up in a whole host of things and these hats finished off the last of them.  As leaves are so useful for adding to all sorts of things I think I will have to knit some more now and get a new collection going!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Blogtoberfest 5

This leaf was knitted from gorgeous variegated yarn bought in Bairnsdale at the Jolly Jumbuck, a place which sells lots of sheepy products.  They used to have an amazing selection of yarn dyed for them by Marta of Marta's Yarns, who sadly died a few years ago (no pun intended); now their yarns tend to be different though still qutie nice.  I bought this, and a lovely green one, in the great days of yore.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Blogtoberfest 4


for my friend Karen at who does the most amazing embroidery and who you must all check out.  (Please).

Monday, October 03, 2011

Blogtoberfest 3

This yarn is too pastelly for me but would look great on someone else.  The leaf is another handspun, ecodyed one, needlefelted onto polar fleece, with a few wisps of Angelina fibre needlefelted on top to give it an unexpected sparkle.

That was the one and only time I ever did any 'ecodying', which is such a buzzword now.  I must try it again some time!

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Blogtoberfest 2

I've mentioned doing hats.  This is the first of the finished ones.  The embellished leaf is from various playings around in the past, while the hat is new.  The leaf was knitted from wool I spun and dyed with eucalyptus leaves a long time ago, needlefelted onto polar fleece and with some coloured flecks needlefelted on top of it.

Saturday, October 01, 2011


Whoops, I seem to have signed up for something which wants me to post EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH.  There might be a lot of single photos this month with few words!

For more on Blogtoberfest see the linkity thing on the sidebar.  It is dead cute but most definitely not designed by me, that's way beyond my techy skills!!!

I'm even doing my first ever giveaway.  (well, let's face it, I can't seem to sell them, so I would rather they went to a good home anyway!)

there will be details soon.  It will involve a fabric brooch from MazeyPrettyThings (see sidebars for Made It shop and Etsy shop to give you an idea of what I mean.

See you tomorrow!