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Monday, November 22, 2010

Decluttering by Numbers Week 1

So here goes.  Remembering that my main goal was for the Outs to exceed the Ins.  I also thought it might be a way for me to curb my spending!

1 DS game (pre-owned) for Wombat
1 PS2 game (on sale) for Wombat
3 trashy magazines
1 food magazine
2 craft magazines
1 DVD box set (Modern Family) for the children
1 dress worth of  dress fabric


1 pair boys dressy black pants, outgrown OP SHOP
Large piles of redundant paperwork, equivalent to approximately 5 magazines worth in volume RECYCLING
1 duplicate bead magazine included in Bead Expo entry OP SHOP
4 of my father's old books OP SHOP
Clean out of laundry shelf not touched for about six years yielded 4 empty bottles (would normally count as consumables and not in this list, but as they had been there for so long they were clutter!) RECYCLING
1 kids' party cake magazine supplement OP SHOP
Big magazine clearout and tidy up - 9 magazines OP SHOP (and many more shelved)
1 Australian Women's Weekly, recipes removed RECYCLING
1 trashy magazine RECYCLING
1 ugly stuffed frog from my father's things OP SHOP


28 - 10 = 18

Good, outs exceeded ins last week!  But that spending didn't go down much.  I need to work on that.


Sandi said...

Well done!
It feels great to declutter and have more space.

Taphophile said...

Great start! Bet if felt good getting rid of the hideous frog.

Karen said...

yes I did wear boots!!!!