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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Book Meme - Day 5

Day 05 - A book or series you hate

'Bless the Beasts and Children is a 1970 novel by Glendon Swarthout that tells the story of several emotionally disturbed boys away at summer camp who unite to stop a buffalo hunt. The 151-page book concerns many social issues of the 1960s and 1970s'.

I had to study this book for Year 12 English. This is not necessarily a reason for hating a book - I still enjoy Pride and Prejudice, Shakespeare in various forms, and other stuff I studied at school. I LOATHED this book with a passion. The fact that I can still remember how much I hated it may hint at just how loathsome I found it.

I thought it was boring, badly written and just not worthy of studying. I suppose it does consist of many 'issues' which is what tends to make a book worthy of study. But the best of those are at least interesting. I would personally like to see every copy of this book consigned to a bonfire. No, wait, that contributes to global warming. Maybe they should all be pulped and turned into interesting books. If any copies still exist.

My apologies in advance to anyone who loves this book.

Thinking about it, a more recent loathed read was,_This_Is_Anna. Mr God, This is Anna by Sydney Hopkins, AKA 'Fynn'. I believe it is a much-loved and much raved about book that is supposedly of extreme spirituality. I thought it was kiddie porn thinly disguised as Christian propaganda. It made me feel sick. And I consider myself to be a (rather lukewarm) Christian, so it wasn't that aspect which upset me.

1 comment:

anita said...

I've read them both, and I wasn't impressed either. Granted, it was some while ago, but I doubt that my opinion would change with rereading. Some books just aren't worth it, no matter how high the hype . . .