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Monday, July 26, 2010

Book Meme - Day 2

Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about

This is a hard one.

I am going to settle for authors.

Two of my all-time favorite authors are Iris Murdoch and Robertson Davies.  Of course many people have read their books and they have won prizes and things, so they are hardly obscure.  But I don't personally know, either in 'real life' or online, who ever mention them.

I have read most of Iris Murdoch's books more than once, many of them more than that.  I will continue to read them until the day I die.  One day George was reading out a literary quiz to me and one of the questions was 'what is this the first line to'  and he was only halfway through it and I had picked the Iris Murdoch novel it came from - and it was an early one, written about 20 years before the time we were doing the quiz.  I dream of her characters.  I cannot last more than a couple of months without rereading her.  There is only one of her novels that I dislike, The Red and The Green, which is a historical novel set around the events leading up toe Easter Rebellion in Ireland during WW1.  But I have a first edition of it that I am hanging onto anyway!

I haven't actually read all of Robertson Davies, and not any for a long time.  But now I have written this I probably will reread what I have and obtain what I have not.  He is wonderful.  Imagine Garrison Keillor with lots of magic realism.

As an extra, I am going to nominate Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising.  I know lots of people have read it and loved it but I think even more people should, and should.

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