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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

On Sunday we went up to Bendigo to see the Wedding Dress exhibitions (one from the V&A, one Australian one).  It was fantabulous, but I can't show you any pictures.  Suffice it to say that it was full of frills and furbelows and white and cream and sparkly bits!  (And for anyone wondering, a furbelow is a ruffle !)  Even with corsets I wondered at how tiny many of the waists were.  And the shoes!  Women had very small feet in the past apparently, both in length and width.  But I suppose most people were, generally, smaller in the past than they are now.

I can show you gratuitous pictures of Bendigo as I continued to experiment with my new camera.  (Which is a Lumix of some point and shoot variety, for those interested in the details - anything else would be too technical for me!)

The Bendigo Rotary Club Gardens were full of spring blooms in the spring sunshine:

And the - maybe the Town Hall?  Or some other grand Victorian gold era building - was adorned with dragons and lions very handsomely.

That may have been the same building that housed the tourist information office and a little exhibition space where I enjoyed 'Raw ‘n’ Funky, Fine Art Fashions in Felt' and this charming tiled motif on the doorstep.

It was a nice day to top off a week off work.  A sort of relaxing week in which I finished hats (coming soon to a blog near you!), set up an Etsy shop (see side bar of a blog VERY NEAR YOU RIGHT NOW), watched several episodes of Quincy ME, and carted my children around to medical appointments.  Including Wombat, in an ambulance, to a casualty department.  He came off his bike rather hard.  In the end he was better off than the bike, which is having surgery at the moment, while he escaped with (nasty) scrapes and bruises.  Fortunately we have always insisted on them wearing helmets and I am very grateful that the depressed fracture in the helmet was not magnified into his skull.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Creative Space

I am trying to turn my 'Mazey Patchwork' into my signature style, and this week has been about working on this piece and taking close ups of it.  Basically it is a stitched form of complex cloth, which once it comes off the machine is cut up into random shapes and then further embellished with hand stitching, beads, buttons, etc, lined with satin or something similar and turned into brooches and other fabric jewellery forms.

Enjoy!  And enjoy other creative spaces here!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


A project of Stacks!  This is piles of Books to be Read.  There are other Books to be Read but they are scattered around the house.  I read A LOT.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Paper Stacks

“...Wednesday September 21st, The Altered Page will host Paper Stacks, an online collaboration. Please leave a comment on this post if you would like to participate. All you need to do is post an image on 9/21 on your own blog of your stacks – be they papers, books, journals, or anything else of your liking. On the 21st I will post a list of all participating artists on my blog so that you can be sure to find all the links to the stacks. Feel free to let your own readers know about this project by spotlighting it on a post on or prior to reveal day. Please (and this is important) email me with a link when your post goes up so I know to add you to the posted list on my blog.
This is one time when the higher your stacks of stuff, the better. “
Here is the link .

Thursday, September 08, 2011

My Creative Space

I am enjoying a day off today! OK, so I took Wombat to the doctor this morning, but he was enjoyable company and we had morning tea so it was fun. Then we came home and I have been managing to relax creatively ever since!

The latest non-haiku. I;m not sure why the photo is so bad, other than my dubious photography skills. Oh, and the fact that the camera is dying and is going to be replace sometime soon. (Not that that will improve my photography skills, but maybe the pictures will bebetter by default anyway!)

The latest completed hat.

The latest hat-in-progress. I am actually get sick of hats but I want to finish off the yarn I bought to knit hats, which means one more after this one, and then embellish them and get them up for sale at Mazey Pretty Things.

And I have spent some time on my luvverly new sewing machine. I am making a Mazey patchwork cloth to cut up and embellish and turn into brooches, etc. I think of it as my version of a 'complex cloth' and each layer adds extra to it.

This week at work hasn't been too bad - I have been able to concentrate on my actual job, which I quite like, rather than running around doing other people's work as well as my own. And then having today off helps! Performance review tomorrow - a little nervous.

For more creative spaces, see here!
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Thursday, September 01, 2011

My Creative Space

At the Surrealist Exhibition in Brisbane I bought some of those magnetic poetry word things.  I decided to set myself a project of doing a new poem on the fridge a couple of times a week.  I was going to do haikus but got confused about the syllables - hence the 7,5,7 effect.  And I decided that I like it so that is what I am going to stick to.  I will photograph each one and post them on my blog.  I am doing a mixture of random and planned - obviously because I want the syllables to work out, there has to be some choosing, but I also want the poems to be fairly Surreal in themselves.

Another hat.  It will be adorned with either a fabric brooch or a scrumble in due course. I might try to sell these when I have the collection done - still about three hats to go.  I haven't had much time or energy lately to do anything.  In fact I am currently off work for two day with galloping stress and exhaustion so hopefully will find some time to do some gentle crafting.

The next hat in production.  The baby picture has nothing to do with anything - I was reading New Idea or something while eating my lunch (idiotic, but sort of stress relief) and the knitting just fell like this.  Note new phone!  Have replaced Stupid Phone (TM) with Smart Phone, still working out how to drive the blasted thing.

I am sure that other people will have more exciting Creative Spaces than me!