In the meantime he is 2.5 cm tall and 4cm wide. I think he was asleep when the spell was cast and was lying down, otherwise he would be somewhat short and portly. I can't remember the type of rock he was turned into, I thought it was malachite but looking at it closely I am not so sure. He lives in the display cabinet with the other teddies and creatures waiting for the day...
In other news - yes, some of you made wise guesses, we may be moving house. The indoor waterfall of ten days ago convinced us that the house was, indeed, not worth saving (it is crumbling, leaking, sinking, etc, and sadly, though only 40 years old, seems to have been built under almost no building regs at all. IT would cost more to save than to rebuild, and after doing the sums we have decided that rebuilding would be overcapitalising and selling it as a development block and moving on is the best thing to do).
I really don't want to move because I love this house, and because moving is such a PITA when you have done it as many times as I have in my life. (I counted it once and it was enough for most people three or four times over). However we have been looking for a little while in a desultory way and have realised that there is plenty of decent stuff in the same suburb that would suit us and allow the kids to stay at their present school, which is important to all of us. Baby Bear only has a year to go - a year in which we definitely should not be distracting her by moving, but she will just have to cope!
Trouble is, once we find the right place and buy it, we will have to sell this IMMEDIATELY. Which means that Decluttering by Numbers will become Decluttering and Packing in a Total Panic, with no time to record things.
I will keep my half a dozen readers posted.
I have moved more than 31 times in my 57 years. How about you?
I hope you find a house you really like and where your kids will be happy too.
I hate moving. I moved so many times in my first few years of teaching I haven't moved now for 21 years!!! Good luck with all the house selling and buying.
UGH UGH UGH. Oh how horrible to be looking at having move / sell on short notice.
We've moved on average roughly every 3 years for my entire life. I hate it with a passion.
Good luck with the househunting. I hope you find a place that's just waiting to be your perfect home, and that selling your existing place goes very smoothly.
I hate the thought of moving. It's even worse than the move. When I buy somewhere for myself in the early new year and move, I will have moved three times in three years. I was years and years in the one place before that. Still, there is some excitement attached to a place of my own with some room to move. I currently live with son and DIL.
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