The first bloom on my banksia rose for the year, which gets lots of full sun.
I know I have been very absent from blogging this year. I have had a terrible time with work and family issues since the start of the year, most of which I don't want to make too public. I have been keeping up with some friends on Facebook but I know that some people who (used to?) read my blog aren't on there. Anyway. I just wanted to say that there are good reasons for my absence this year so far, but things are now improving and I will be trying to do short blog posts at least once a week from now on.

I know I have been very absent from blogging this year. I have had a terrible time with work and family issues since the start of the year, most of which I don't want to make too public. I have been keeping up with some friends on Facebook but I know that some people who (used to?) read my blog aren't on there. Anyway. I just wanted to say that there are good reasons for my absence this year so far, but things are now improving and I will be trying to do short blog posts at least once a week from now on.
anaackh3Spring is definitely in the air here too. I'm glad whatever was horrid in your life is sorting itself out.
I am not on The Facebook. I am more than a little afraid of it!!!
Whatever the reasons, I'm glad they're sorted out. It's good to see you back.
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