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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bobby the Ram at the Wool Museum

We took my mum out for lunch at the Wool Museum in Geelong, which has a nice restaurant.  Bobby got a bit bored and wandered off - you know how he is!
 God only knows what is trying to schmooze up to Bobby in this photo!
 Oh no, he's found where the restaurant LOCK THEIR WINE AWAY.  They must have guessed he was coming!
 Whoopsie!  I think that was an empty one being used decoratively - it certainly wasn't the one we had, which was much cheaper!
 Friends, fans, anyone...
 It's Shaun the Sheep, it's Shaun the sheep...
And at this stage he decided to have a nap - with a distant relative...


2paw said...

Booby had better watch out in case they whack him in a display case!!

Denise said...

Oh dear Bobby! I think he's picked up some bad habits from Lulu!!