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Friday, October 05, 2012

Blogtoberfest 5

While driving through central Victoria a couple of months ago we drove through a tiny place, the name of which I cannot remember, and the main street was full of yarn bombed trees.  I squealed, 'Look, yarnbombing!', George looked at me blankly, and I had to explain the concept to him!

I don't know where Yandoit is, but I presume it's near where we were.  I couldn't resist taking a photo of this poster - not in a ridiculing way, I just thought it was unique!

The yarnbombing had been done by people connected with the local yarn store, which sadly was closed - there was great stuff that I could see through the windows and I would have loved to have browsed.


Bron said...

I have done a little yarn bombing and my hubby does find it all a little weird too. Some are extremely clever at it. x

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

I'm sure that it was an experience, I have never seen yarn bombing.

2paw said...

I like other people doing yarnbombing if they like, but I am selfish and want to knit just for myself and not the general public!!!