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Saturday, January 22, 2011


Finished in December and worn several times by now (by Graham) - Hundertwasser Opal socks knitted using the pattern Let's Twist Again from Let's Knit May 2010.

This does not count as my project for the month, for this month.  That will either be my Bead Journal Project piece, which is almost finished, or another pair of socks.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bobby the Ram at the Wool Museum

We took my mum out for lunch at the Wool Museum in Geelong, which has a nice restaurant.  Bobby got a bit bored and wandered off - you know how he is!
 God only knows what is trying to schmooze up to Bobby in this photo!
 Oh no, he's found where the restaurant LOCK THEIR WINE AWAY.  They must have guessed he was coming!
 Whoopsie!  I think that was an empty one being used decoratively - it certainly wasn't the one we had, which was much cheaper!
 Friends, fans, anyone...
 It's Shaun the Sheep, it's Shaun the sheep...
And at this stage he decided to have a nap - with a distant relative...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Well, so far so good.  The packing continues at a snail's pace, but a bit more is done every day.  The necessary legal documents have been obtained, so the estate agent can start to market our house properly.

And I have applied for two jobs.  This has me terrified but also a little excited.  It took me a good three hours to rewrite my CV and write two application letters.  My last CV dated from 1990.  There were two/three jobs to add to that (two library jobs and one editing job).  I could barely remember the person I was when I wrote that CV in 1990.  I sounded like a busy professional with impressive skills.  Hopefully I still sound that way!

I am being choosy, though.  I am only applying for library jobs that actually sound as though they will be interesting and where I genuinely think I can contribute to the workplace.

And it is January 4th and so far I have not spent any money on the things I said I was restricting myself on.  OK, only four days, but I believe one has to beat addictions one day at a time!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

A New Year, a New Decade

I didn't do too well on last year's resolutions.  I think the only thing I did follow through on was to make one item with the overlocker, which I am pleased to say is still in one piece and being worn!

But I did do other projects, so I am not too disappointed with myself.  I was just less adventurous than I had hoped to be.

I have a new resolution for this year, in fact more than one.

1.  Accomplish all the necessary stuff involved in selling this house and moving into the one we are buying.  This is the sort of resolution that, although not easy in itself, HAS to be followed through on.
2.  Get a job.  It really is time after 18 years to go back to earning some sort of income.  This is a scary one.  I have no idea how I and the rest of the family will cope - they have all got used to me being available whenever required.  I did not have children or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome last time I worked.  A very large part of me does not want to go back to work.  But a small part of me craves the idea of doing something else.
3.  Complete a project a month.  Even if it is just a plain sock (pair of socks!)  Preferably try out some new techniques or whatever, but at least one project a month.
4.  Stop spending money like water.  With this in mind, this resolution is split into sections :

4.1 I will not buy any clothes or shoes unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  'Necessary' means underwear if my current collection falls apart; if I end up in a job where I can't wear jeans, some other covering for my bottom half may be necessary beyond the one pair of black trousers and one black skirt I own; and I am going to a family wedding in March that MAY necessitate a new outfit.  I can make myself anything I like out of my vast stash of fabrics and patterns, however, and if this is the case, purchase of required notions will be permitted.  I would make an outfit for the wedding but that is likely to be around the time we move, and I am packing up my stash as we speak.
4.2 I buy far too many DVDs.  I will restrict myself to the equivalent of one full-price film (i.e. one new release or something like those 3 for $30 specials you see around) and one TV series.  I need to be VERY STRICT about this.
4.3 Likewise with books.  One full-price book or the equivalent per month.
4.4 Craft materials - only to be purchased if necessary to make a specific project immediately after purchase. Otherwise all craft material shopping is to be done from the stash.
4.5 Exceptions to the rules will include craft shows, where I will take a fixed amount of cash and leave my credit cards at home.  Nothing purchased under these circumstances will count towards the total!
4.6 Items for any room in the new house, but especially the kitchen, will only be purchased if necessary, not just because they catch my eye.  There will be some purchases, planned in advance.

And when I have fully moved in and unpacked, I may start up a version of Decluttering by Numbers again.

Wish me luck, please.  I am USELESS at keeping resolutions.