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Friday, January 08, 2010

AIDS Jumpers

I have finally finished knitting six little AIDS jumpers. I have to say it is a boring pattern that takes longer than it looks, but uses up lots of scraps of 8ply and will, hopefully, do some good.

I checked up on them on the Net (because there was a minor computational error in the pattern I was given) and it says everywhere that no-one wants these little baby ones any more. But before anyone writes in to tell me this, I know, and these are going with a specific person to a specific orphanage somewhere in Southern Africa where they do specifically want this size (or any size, frankly).

Despite the pictures I only knitted six. One picture shows the fronts, the other the backs (for want of better descriptions; they do not, of course, have a front or a back).

Re New Years Resolutions - going well so far. I am progressing with the first double page spread of the creative journalling I have set myself. My project for the month is using my overlocker, and so far I have chosen and washed/dried a length of T shirting from my stash, searched through my patterns and gone out and bought an appropriate one, because George wants a nightshirt and I seem to have lost/thrown out the one I used for him twelve years ago, when I last made him some. Both on track to be finished by the end of the month.

I have added another, overall year resolution. That is to put much more effort into promoting and selling my textile art, and also to building up a modest second-hand book business on ebay. No real movement on either of those yet, though!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Avengers Meet The Goodies

Baby Bear and Wombat at Southern Cross Station waiting for their Grandma to arrive from Geelong. Taken by Baby Bear. I love my children!
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