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Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Are They?

Well, obviously they are knitted squares. They are approx. 2cm squared. I am knitting 75 of them. The finished object will also include beads, embroidery and metal. What am I making?

There is no prize, I just wanted to see if anyone came up with any really silly ideas. I am fairly sure that no-one will guess.

They are a PITA to knit - tight tension of five needles, instead of the four I am used to knitting socks with. My hands and arms hurt after a while. As I have a deadline to work to I am now making myself knit a minimum of five a day.
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Sunday, March 23, 2008


Two pairs of oddball socks for me. Finished ages ago but not photographed until last week. I am now using sock leftovers to make a mitred square blanket - not very original, but it's fun to pick up every once in a while and do and it looks nice.

The bottom pair I have just finished for George. They are a Regia cotton/wool blend. I have had lots of problems with tension knitting cotton/wool blends, as opposed to the normal sock wools, but these ones I made on a size smaller needle and they worked out prfectly. He is pleased!

I am knitting a jacket in green Jet for moi ATM and it is coming along nicely on the cooler days when I can bear to touch it. Now we are having something actually resembling autumn I hope to get it finished soon. And then there's the mystery knitted object for TAFE - of which more later...
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It was THIS big!!

After computer glitches we finally have photos from our January visit to Lakes entrance. (Yes, I know that was two months ago, I haven't felt like blogging much and only really wanted those photos...)

Behold the triumphant fisherman. Yes, the crab was released after posing for photos and scuttled away under a rock very promptly - a very good response to being caught by Wombat, I often feel like doing that myself!

He is doing pretty well at his new school. Not everything is perfect, but we knew there would be adjustment issues. I think the staff walk on water and that this year is going to be a good one. He's grumpy right now but we've had a bit of a late heatwave (thoughn othing like as bad as Adelaide has had) and I think it's heat as much as anything else.

Busy busy busy with Third Year at TAFE. Maybe some photos to come. Have to photograph a scarf I crocheted for class. Very busy with a project as the moment though, as it involves knitting, has had to have an enforced rest as the last few days have been twoo hot and sweaty to knit pure wool. All will be revealed .... it is a slightly unusual knitting application.
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