i finished this scarf a few weeks ago but this is the first chance I have had to photograph it. It is now in the proud possession of Baby Bear, who loves it. This is
Iris Schreier's scarf. I am still waiting for her book - I preordered it through Amazon a while ago, and though it is available now, I also preordered another book at the same time which is obviously not ready yet. I am content to wait - I have other things to do anyway! I did this scarf to teach myself the short-rowing technique that she uses. It was quite easy and fun to do, though I got bored about halfway through - but I wanted to make it long enough for Baby Bear to wear it wrapped around her neck. The yarn is 3 X 50g balls of ancient cream Totem that I dyed in the ball to create tiny colour repeats. I like the effect a great deal though I think it would look better in stocking stitch - I think I will dye some sock wool using the same technique and make socks.