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Friday, December 24, 2004

What is a blog without pictures

In the absence of any interesting knitting pictures at present, a picture of my dog. She is totally spoilt and beloved and wishes everyone a very merry festive canine season.

It stayed so hot last night that George and I had a midnight swim, something that we only do once or twice a year. Filtered moonlight, warm water, it was lovely and very special.

That was after I had spent the evening wrapping presents to the accompaniment of Kings College Cambridge on the TV. It made me feel quite festive.

Sirius wishes you all a happy holiday season! May you all be given doggy chews and squeaky toys!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

'Twas the night before Christmas...

Well, almost, it's the night before the night before Christmas. And we don't have a mouse, though there is a rat somewhere in the garden, often seen racing madly past the barbeque. The dog is determined to catch it one day.

It is 36 degrees Celcius in Melbourne this evening and too hot to knit - though I badly want to finish a pair of socks by tomorrow night so I might knit in front of the fan. I also need to wrap Christmas presents when the smalls are asleep.

I am knitting myself a pair of tube socks from Socks, Socks, Socks (called After Bertha), in Opal sock wool in a denim blue colourway with silver lurex running through it. It self-stripes. I usually knit socks for George (DH) but I fell in love with this yarn and even though he is adventurous in his choice of socks I didn't think that lurex would quite work for him!

I want to finish them because they are boring and I want to get on with a pair of more interesting socks for George in a self-patterning yarn. Tube socks avoid having to measure things much but they make you realise how exciting a heel can be!

Baby Bear (DD, 11) is in the process of finishing off a little knitted patchwork pillow for her bed in pink and purple (just about big enough for a Beanie Bear to sit on) and has worked industriously on finishing it all day, watching the Midday Movie and other trashy holiday TV. Given that I have spent 11 years trying to get her to slow down and smell the roses, it was a pleasure to see her quiet and concentrating hard on a self-appointed task. She has also designed and done most of a sweet little striped bag. Pretty good considering that she learnt to knit 18 months ago. Her stocking stitch is already more even than mine ever has been. She also has an excellent eye for colour.

Wombat (DS, 8) has spent the day with his best friend who lives over the back fence, ebbing and flowing between our house and his. I am surprised that they did not come in for a swim at some point, given how hot it has been today, though Wombat had a quick dip before dinner.

As this is my first foray into blogging it might take me a while to work out how to post pictures, links, etc. I used to know basic HTML quite well but haven't used it for three or four years. It will all come in due course.

In the meantime, a Merry Christmas to all of those who celebrate it, and happy holidays for anyone else.